Friday, March 19, 2010


Hi Dears!!

This week, we will share our problems on this page and suggest solutions to our friends' problems. Please, post your problem as a comment and write some suggestions for your friends' problems.
By the way, you can start with helping me :)


  1. Hello Everyone,
    I want to share one of my problems with you. I forget everything nowadays, even the most serios things in my life. It was my father's birthday last week but I couldn't remember it. I always leave something at home. We had an important meeting yesterday but I forgot my files at home. I was going to phone my husband to bring them but I realised that I left my mobile at home, too. I am hopeless:( What should I do ?

  2. DEAR İPEK KOÇAK -> ->remember you have to write things. I think that is good idea... good luck !!
    I have got problem.. ı have got very articles (beatiful folders,pencilcases,pencils,ornaments,...)ı like they. but they are very. I do not want to give to others =( what can ı do ?

  3. hello my teacher
    you should write important things on your book

  4. I have got a problem.My father doesn't buy me mobile phone.What should I do?

  5. Hi Teacher!
    You can buy a new calendar.You can write your important businesses.If you keep calendar,you don't forget your businesses:D

  6. Hi Everyone!
    Sometimes I can't understand my friends.Example;Yesterday,they were happy and we were happy together but before yesterday(today)they are unhappy and they're frost to me!I don't understand it!I think or you look like or appear you look like! don't be my friend!!!!!!!!

  7. I have a suggestion Stay at home every time Do not forget

  8. DEAR EKREM,ı think you can talk your father , good luck !!!

  9. DEAR AYGEN, why don't you warn your friends or talk to your friends ?? I think that is good idea... good luck !!!
    HELLO EVERYONE !! ı have got big problem . I am constantly sick. but I want to playing games in parks ...and similar... :( what can I do ?? I WAİTİNG FOR YOUR SUGGESTİONS

  10. hi my teacher
    I have got problem I dont understand my sister. help me

  11. Dear Teacher,
    You can buy a new agenda.You can write in agenda or your husband can remmember.
    I have got problem.Iam sniffing my finger.(What can you do?)

  12. Dear Çağlasu,
    Thanks a lot for your suggestion. Writing things to remember is a great idea! I see that you 've a problem, too. I think you mean that you don't want to share your personal belongings with your friends. Why don't you tell them your feelings about it? Good Luck!

  13. I don't play computer games every day

  14. Hi Ekrem,
    I appreciate your suggestion. Writing things is really useful. You want your father to buy a mobile for you. I think you should study hard and get higher grades. Your father will be happy and buy it as a reward.

  15. Hello Aygen,
    Keeping a calendar is also a good way to remember things. Thank you! You have a problem with your friends. I think you can talk to them and spend more time with them. When you start to share things, you will start to know each other better and find something common.

  16. Hi Görkem,
    Why don't you talk to your sister and do something together?

  17. Dear 5-a..I took a look at your blog and I see that most of you are very active.I appreciate all of you.When I read your comments I wanted to write my problem here.Perhaps you can help me ! =)I have a problem..Some people do something bad (but not so bad) and sometimes it isn't releated to me however I always think about the person,I get angry with her/him but I don't share the problem with him/her.I just talk to myself.It takes so long to forget the events. What should I do?

  18. Dear Ms Ersayar,
    It is kind of you to share your problem with us. Thank you! Life is full of challanges and as you know we all have enough problems to deal with:) Why don't you give up struggling with the troubles caused by idle people? You can take up a hobby, do sport, go shopping with your friends and have fun!!! Do not forget that you mean a lot to us and we don't want to see you look upset because of other people:)

  19. dear FATMA ERSAYAR;
    I am having such things sometimes... and ı think this is big problem. why don't you do activities that will distract you ?? (draw picture,go shopping,meet friends,watch DVDs ....)ı think that is good idea.. good luck !!!

    you must be very hard for this event =)you can talk your sister . Good Luck !!

  21. hi everyone
    always I and my brother fight what should I do
