Sunday, February 14, 2010


Dear Class,

This week we will read and learn about tornadoes. I want you to have some background information about them. Here are some useful links for you to have some knowledge. Please, have a look at the sites and fill in the tornado quiz given.

1) Are these statements true or false?
1) Tornadoes often move at over 400 km/hour. T F
2) They are between 20 and 400 meters high. T F
3) They can carry people, animals and cars. T F
2) Is the advice good or bad?
a) Drive away from tornadoes in your car.
b) Get into a downstairs bath or under a table.
c) Don't stand next to windows.
Here are some funny games including the grammar topics we have learnt and we will learn soon:
We will also learn "Present Continuous Tense" this week. Please, click on the links given from a website. Read the given information about the gramar point and do the online exercises:

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